Streams in the Desert (book)

Streams in the Desert (book)

Regular price$12.00

The source of my paintings? My puppy, Greta, ripped up my devotional one morning in my usual quiet-time spot. I felt led to keep and collect the torn pages to use them for a later project. When I prayed about what to do for Lulu, I was reminded of the torn pages from this book. These served as my backdrop!

"When you feel like you are wandering in the desert with your faith, Streams in the Desert offers a drink of cool, life-giving water. 'In the pathway of faith, we come to learn that the Lord's thoughts are not our thoughts, nor His ways our ways,' wrote author L. B. Cowman. Though your circumstances may be difficult, they need not spell disaster. If you put your trust in God and wait patiently, you'll see a display of His power, even through your most difficult trials."

Capturing the timeless essence of the original devotional with fresh, contemporary wording from editor James Reimann and New International Version® text, this softcover edition of perennially bestselling Streams in the Desert offers you guidance and hope while encouraging a deeper faith walk.

"May these insights into God's Word be like 'streams in the desert' (Isaiah 35:6, NIV), bringing you refreshment during the difficult times of your life."